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  • tinasloan8

My first BLOG!!

Updated: Feb 22, 2022

3rd February 2022

It wasn't too long ago I didn't know what a blog was....and here I am writing one! ! So, I'm no expert, but I guess it's a place to write down thoughts, inspirations and to recount what I've been up to, in the hope that the reader might find it interesting?

So today hubby and I ventured to a fairly local beach with our dog, Phoebe. It's not the best of beaches....there's a long, walk from car to it's quite rough underfoot. However , we are working on our step count, so we were up for it!

Last time we came here, in October 2021, there was a recently burnt-out car, with police tape still attached.

Of course I could see how an unsightly car wreck does nothing for this already neglected shoreline....and I did hope no-one had been hurt in whatever had unfolded to lead to it being here. But there's just something about ruined things, old things, dilapidation and decay which is so very beautiful!! Just look at those swirling patterns on the side of the car , and the way it looks like the car has literally spewed it's insides out onto the sand....I did a pen sketch when I got home.

Fast-forward five months to today, and to my surprise, the car was still there, in all it's glory... RESULT!!

The body was weathered and rusty, a shell of it's former self , I'm sure. (It had been an Audi, if you're interested). The way the elements had set to work on the metal was fascinating. The bonnet was now released from it's catch and flapping in the wind like a big mouth yawning and the wheels were no more. There was evidence of booze having been consumed inside, although I can't imagine it was a very cosy place for a carry-out!

I was pretty much encapsulated by the scene...snapping lots of photos...till I remembered hubby and the dog were waiting semi-patiently for me to catch up.

I'll share some of the photos below. Check out those beautiful colours !

This one is a work of art...made by nature!

Beauty in decay...

This is the car's reminds me of a "wet in wet" watercolour painting! As an artist I immediately start working out which colours I would use to recreate this.

So, maybe you think I'm a bit mad, obsessing over a piece of junk on the beach....or perhaps you are a fellow lover of the strangely wonderful discarded, unloved, ruined, wrecked and frankly decrepit ?

Tina x


22/02/22 ("Twosday"!)


Yesterday we revisited this place, after Storm Dudley and Storm Eunice had been along (when did we start naming storms? Is this a new thing?)

The car is now further along it's journey of ruination, and of course I had to take photos as a way of logging the stages of it's decline!

I have got to do a watercolour of this! Burnt Sienna and Ultramarine Blue come to mind.

The Bonnet has now blown off but is still attached and the doors have flown open.

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