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  • tinasloan8

The Catalyst Which Made me Into an Artist

Although I have dabbled in art throughout my life, it wasn't till the year 2015 that I totally immersed myself in it.

This was born out of a need to find solace in the midst of tremendous upheaval.

Family circumstances were causing stress, frustration and sadness, which led to a San Andreas Fault-sized shift in my life!

Hubby and I suddenly became guardians to three grandchildren aged 13, 3 and a newborn baby. My job as a childminder was no longer viable. My comfortable home now felt like a pressure cooker, crammed full with individuals who all had different and specific needs!

(left) How I felt at that time haha! Artwork by Kerina Strevens.

My own two teenagers were on the cusp of adulthood, with all that entails....and the grandchildren had experienced huge levels of loss, which make my struggles pale into insignificance. Hubby and I did our very best but were absolutely shattered emotionally and physically.

My stress levels were high and I felt as if was losing myself. I will be eternally grateful to my hubby that he recognised this and suggested that I might go back to "doing a bit of art" to relax.

I got myself a small watercolour pan set, a couple of brushes, pencils and a sketch pad. I decided to make the effort to do something even if I didn't feel like it.

(left) My first basic art supplies...they got me off to a great start!

Once I started it was hard to stop! Art became my go-to therapy session. I became hungry to learn as much as I could...watching YouTube videos on watercolour techniques and then trying them out.

I was finding myself again - through art....I know that sounds corny, but it's true!

I agree with Maya Angelou when she said, about creativity, "the more you use it the more you have".

As time went on I could see improvement in what I was producing and started posting photos to Facebook. To my surprise, people wanted to buy my art....what a confidence boost! I started to think of myself as a REAL artist...rather than some sort of fake, or imposter. (So silly really, because I believe we are all artists in some way!)

(left) A pencil sketch of the littlest one from 2018

In 2019 we were incredibly fortunate to move into a bigger house with our "gang".

What a difference that made to all of us.....finally I felt I could breathe, the children benefitted greatly from having more room and everyone's mood improved. Thank goodness!

(below) A pen sketch of our grandson, cosy on the couch, from 2018.

Around that time I noticed a shop in the village where I live which seemed to have been empty for ages. I had spoken to the owner a few times about whether it was available but it never was, and I put it out of my mind.

Then one day he approached me and asked if I would like it...he didn't have to ask twice!

It felt like the next stage of my artistic journey was being ushered-in with the provision of this new working area....a haven, no less! Now I could expand and grow creatively...I felt, and still do feel, incredibly fortunate.

My big kids gave me an oil paint set that Christmas. I had wanted acrylics but they got the wrong thing...I didn't have the heart to tell them so I just started using the oils. Turned out to be a fortuitous mistake because I haven't stopped using them since! I still love my watercolours with their unpredictableness and beautiful colour mixing properties wet-on-wet,

but oils are completely different and such a joy to use.

I learn something new with every single painting I do....even the "duds", as I call them! In fact, they are the ones that have taught me the most! I have a pile of them in the cupboard....some will be painted over but others I will keep to remind myself how far I've come.

Tina x

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