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  • tinasloan8

What Brings The Creativity Out in You?

We all have a degree of creativity, whether we see ourselves as "artists" or not!

Think of it, every time someone applies their make-up, they are using their face as a blank canvas,

applying shades and lines with brushes and pencils... blending and fine-lining.

The teenager practicing their signature over and over is basically making creative choices to produce a design!

A gardener takes care planning their plot of land with flowers, shrubs, fruit and vegetables to create a feast for all of our senses.

Even when you choose what to wear each morning you're making creative choices, according to your artistic tastes.

Many people enjoy sewing, crochet or knitting...they are creating something from simple raw's art! (I'm so envious...I can't knit for peanuts!)

Then there are the numerous "crafters", many of whom don't think of themselves as artists at all...but I think they are wrong!

When I looked-up "creativity" this was my favourite definition:

"Creativity is a phenomenon whereby something new and valuable is formed. The created item may be intangible or a physical object."

My son is a musician, and we have had many a conversation about the similarities between composing a song and painting a picture.

My husband writes stories and the creative process goes along the same lines for him too.

So whether absent-mindedly doodling, playing an instrument, singing, or painting a masterpiece, it's all creativity and it's so good for us....and here's why!

When we are engrossed in a creative activity we enter a state of "flow".

Have you ever experienced being so caught up in something that time just flew?

You were totally concentrating and "in the zone".

That state of flow gives you a hit of Dopamine which is amazing for you because it reduces anxiety, slows your heart rate, and lifts your mood... (I can vouch for that! If you read my previous blog entry you know how art became my "therapy"!)

Creative activities are encouraged for the elderly because they have been found to reduce the risk of dementia.....hence they are used in care homes as much as possible.

So what inspires you, stimulates your imagination or gives you a good feeling?

Why not try doing a bit more of it?

"Go with the flow!"

Tina x

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